by washingtonturf | Dec 12, 2018 | Weed Control
Reserachers: Ian Burke, Washington State University Floral induction is a genetically control event mediated by environmental cues. Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG) requires vernalization and short-day (SD) induction followed by long days (LD) in order to flower and produce...
by washingtonturf | Dec 12, 2017 | Weed Control
Reserachers: Ian Burke, Washington State University Our research focus is to develop a comprehensive, multi-tactic IPM program for ergot in grass seed crops that incorporates chemical controls, biological controls, host plant resistance, and disease modeling....
by washingtonturf | Dec 12, 2015 | Weed Control
Researchers: Rick Boydston, USDA‐ARS, Prosser, WA “A field trial evaluating herbicide options for annual grass control in Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass new seedings was planted Aug. 19, 2014. Perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass were seeded with...